And lo and behold, there is this wonderful article in yesterday's Times Union by Paul Grondahl about Legs Diamond's trial in Troy.
There is a brief mention of Daniel H. Prior, Diamond's chief defense attorney. He's been described as the "greatest trial attorney of his time." See this web page article:
Here's the picture from the Times Union. Prior is sitting at the defense table with his head resting on his hand. Hop on over to the TU for the full article.
(I just re-read that sentence and looked at the picture and realized everyone at the table has their head in their hand. Even the judge. Below is the caption from the TU)

"Trial of Jack "Legs" Diamond in Rensselaer County Courthouse, Troy, on Dec. 16, 1931. Diamond is seated at the center table left of the white-haired attorney, co-counsel Abbott Jones.To Diamond's left is chief defense attorney Daniel H. Prior of Albany. The witness testifying is Grover Parks of Greene County, who is being questioned by Assistant Attorney Gerneral John T. Cahill. Justice F. Walter Bliss of Middleburgh, Schoharie County, presides. Diamond's wife, Alice, is seated in the front row, far left. (Photo courtesy the Jones law firm)"
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